We did it! We have officially crossed the $20,000 goal! I'm not totally sure of final numbers, because I know of some donations that have not been fully accredited to HHW, but I will let you know later this week how much we raised. And by "we", I mean all of you. We are completely blown away by your generosity, care, and concern. We feel so loved, once again, by our "village" and feel so blessed to have you behind us. It is truly amazing the things that can be done when you rally together for a like cause. Thank you for loving our family and caring about Henry and his future. We are eternally grateful.
Thank you for taking the time to read my long emails and learn something about Barth Syndrome :) Thank you for celebrating Henry's 4th birthday with us. Thank you for forwarding my emails to your friends and family, broadening our bandwidth, which makes our Barth Community stronger. Thank you for sharing my posts on Instagram and Facebook with your networks. Thank you for wearing your shirts at some point this week. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, for Happy Heart Week 2016 and for Henry and his Barth buddies. Thank you for honoring all of the boys and men that have Barth Syndrome, the ones to come, and the ones that have gone before us. Thank you for giving your money to the greater cause of finding a cure for Barth Syndrome. IT ALL WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE, I am certain! Great advancements are on the horizon; we are hopeful! Thank you for raising our hope to a new level this past week. A couple of things in closing this amazing week... * It is never too late to donate! If for whatever reason you missed this week, any donation any time will always be so greatly appreciated. https://www.barthsyndrome.org/donate * If you donated through PayPal, let me know so that I can let the Foundation know to designate your contribution to HHW2016. * If you have any questions about any of the facts, our story, or anything Barth related, I am happy to talk! * If you have any suggestions as to how to better communicate, raise awareness, or raise funds, please let me know! Would love feedback on how to go forward with HHW in the future. * Shop on Amazon through AmazonSmile, setting your charity as Barth Syndrome Foundation. It is the exact same as regular Amazon, but they will donate 0.5% of every purchase you make to your non-profit of choice! http://smile.amazon.com/ * Please find us on Facebook and "like" the Happy Heart Walk page, showing your support to the masses. https://www.facebook.com/happyheartwalk/ Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Can't say it enough. Will keep you posted on the final number :) With oh-so Happy Hearts, John, Meg, Grady, Henry, and Wesley One blessed Mama...
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AuthorI am privileged to be the mommy of 3 beautiful and wonderful little boys, one of which has an awful disease, Barth Syndrome. Archives
May 2018
A happy heart makes the face cheerful. |